Our Father

You are the wind in my sails
Guiding me through life's tempestuous gales
Yet also the fire that ignites my soul
Fueling my passion, making me whole

You're the stone that supports me when I stumble
Steadfast anchor in a world miserable
Yet like water, You shape and mold
Eroding rough edges as Your story unfolds

As a mother tends her child's wounds with care
You heal my hurts, soothing every despair
And like a father's stern but loving voice
You impart wisdom, helping me make the right choice

You turn lives around with Your grace Transforming darkness into light's embrace.
As the Shepherd guiding His sheep You lead us through valleys dark and deep.
So I lift my voice in grateful praise For Your love sustains me all my days.
May I live in the light of Your embrace Forever guided by Your endless grace.